Clinkers in India

Clinkers in India
© Sue Clinker - photo taken on our visit to Jaipur 2014

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

So nearly 'Clinkers Not in India 2016'

David writes:

Blimey that was close.  With less than 24 hours before we leave for the airport it was touch and go whether we called the whole thing off.  But it's OK, we're going.

Last week I noticed 'floaters' in my eye. Something filmy was drifting in and out of my vision.  Sue got me into the opticians on Saturday morning and in view of what I told him the optometrist took it very seriously and spent a long time examining my eye.

He said that I have a condition that's very common in old gits of my age (he worded it better but you get the drift); it's not a problem unless it's accompanied by flashes of light because that could indicate something very serious.  I was to return on Tuesday, today, for a further test.  And if I see lights I should go to A&E.

Guess what I saw on Sunday when I took the bins out on a dark night. Yes. Flashing lights.

Cue a lot of Googling.  Constant flashing lights are possibly bad, intermittent are a consequence of being an old git.  Constant may mean an urgent operation, intermittent you live with - and flying isn't a problem.

This morning I had the second test, told him about the lights and he insisted that I had a checkup at the hospital in Ashford (40 mile round trip) and wrote me a referral letter.  Cue a lot of moaning from my unwilling Chauffeuse but it had to be done.  Got there to find referral letter not acceptable unless specific appointment has been made as its not a 'walk-in' clinic.    So there we are pleading with reception and doing lots of grovelling.

They fitted me in a couple of hours later, a doctor and then a consultant had a good look and said it's not serious ... so game on and we fly on Thursday!